School Counseling
This is a nice way to ease into high school for 8th graders and helpful for current high schoolers to keep on track.
Teach organizational habits, study skills and time management strategies
​Manage anxiety, stress and interpersonal skills
​Individual student academic planning and goal setting, including course selection and high school roadmap
​How to strategically choose extracurricular activities
​Career counseling
$165.00/hr or by package
College Admissions
The most common question in the college admissions process: When do I start? In order to minimize being overwhelmed, it is a good idea to begin the process, gently, at the beginning of high school and raise the focus around course selection time of sophomore year (late January, post midterms in most schools). This process becomes a definite priority as a rising junior (summer before junior year) and carries on through mid-senior year.
Develop and refine a list of colleges/universities targeted to the individual student
​Help define an admissions strategy and timeline
​Oversee and assist in all application processes​
Advise on appropriate testing and courses​
Coach on essay(s)/supplements development, resumes, and interview skills​
Help manage stress through coaching and availability to student and family through the entire process
Test Prep
Like them or hate them, giving some kind of standardized testing a focused effort is always advised. You never know how a student will score and, in today’s test climate, it can greatly help applicants achieve their goals.
Which test? When to test? How to test?​
Digital vs. Paper & Pencil​
Test optional / Test flexible vs. Test blind​
Expert knowledge of all test subjects: Math, Reading, Writing, Science​
Customized tutorials focusing on individual needs and goals